I would love to return to Nice and Monaco at some point in my life- maybe as the princess of Monaco perhaps, like Grace Kelly? Nice is located on the French Riviera which means it's supposed to warm since it's right on the coast of the Mediterranean... however the "warm trip" I took with the school was slightly dampened by the fact that it rained (pun!) and I needed a jacket! Other than that, this trip was amazing! I'll let the pictures speak for me:

We left at 5AM Friday morning and arrived in France in the mid morning. We got to our hotel and dropped off our bags then took a walk straight to the water, pausing briefly for lunch. The beach was great- instead of sand there were pebbles! (and some big rocks too, but not much sand at all)
[The sign says "Danger Tidal Barrier NO ENTRY" Natalie and I thought it would be fun to pose with the sign]
We saw a curious waterfall at the top of this cliff with stairs leading up to it, so we decided to go ahead and go up there. It was a good thing we did, because the view was amazing!

At the top we walked around a bit and discovered a playground. Since we're all big kids, we decided we needed to test out the jungle gym thing, and spent some time hanging out on it.

The next day we took the 20 minute train ride (€5) over to Monaco. For some reason I just thought the place was stunning- The train took us along the coast and we emerged from the train station and turned around and there were cliffs all around us! There was not really any flat area, everything was built right into the hills which turned immediately into mountains! It was just really pretty- palm trees, mountains, blooming flowers and the sparkling water!

We broke off into little groups (there were about 15 people on the trip, but I explored with a group of about 7 and in Monaco there were just 4 of us most of the day). We passed by the casino then headed up to the palace and cathedral where Princess Grace is buried. To get to the palace/cathedral, we had to climb lots of stairs. We had great timing because we got to the top and decided to head into the gift shop and at that point it started pouring! We were happy to shop for a bit and then it cleared up and we continued our journey wandering around the coast.