Italy wiped me out- I spent the day after I got back sleeping and once I woke up, I did some laundry. Since laundry and dryer tokens aren't sold on the weekend, I got mine before I left (smart move, Amanda!). I didn't, however, get a dryer coin (not quite a smart move, Amanda). So I did the only thing I could have and hung up my wet clothes all over the room. It worked, and thankfully my roommate wasn't there to see my socks and underwear all over the place! On Monday in architecture class, our professor puffed in at least 10 minutes late, red-faced and could not stop coughing! He had been to Cuba during the break and announced that he thought he might have been bitten by an "interesting bug" and was also feeling feverish! We thought he was going to pass our or die, or at least cancel class- but no, he wheezed thru the lecture and even managed to let the class out late! In my acting class, we decided on the play we are going to perform at the end of the semester as our final. We are doing a bunch of scenes from A Doll's House in pairs and I got the character of Nora and mine is the first scene of the play. T is going to play the other guy in the scene and we've already started practicing (since neither of us is really an actor).
The weather in England really threw me off. It has been spring-y and cloudless some days and on others, snowing! Some days, it's both. The weather really is strange...