So the exciting thing that happened this week is I got to change rooms from our crappy, bug infested room with the yellowish-green walls and putting green carpet to a newly refurbished room with crisp white walls and a red carpet. The reason: bed bugs.
Yes, it is gross, that's what we (me and my roommate Christina) thought, esp my roomie who was the one the bugs liked to bite! We washed all of our clothes and moved all of our crap up to the new room and I am happy to say that we like this one much better (even though I can no longer see the London Eye from my window at night. Oh well!) It was a very dramatic situation and the whole school knows and is talking about it. Our room is not the only one with bugs- I think so far about 20 mattresses have been destroyed! I am just fine- I did a presentation this morning and got an A on it and tonight I am going to see the play Equus (staring Daniel Radcliffe- aka, HARRY POTTER) and I might even get his autograph...