On Thursday after a normal day of classes, Christina and I (along with 3 friends, Danielle, Adina andNatalie) took the Eurostar to Paris, a very fantastic city! I totally over packed- a fact I realized after lugging that monster over to the tube. The train ride to Paris was about 3 hours long. The seats were nice and roomy; I definitely prefer trains to commercial planes! PLUS we got cool little train stamps in our passports! (It's the little things that amuse me.) Once we arrived in France, we asked a bunch of information guys how we should get to our hotel, which was an hour away from the Eiffel Tower. They equipped us with little maps and told us to take the Metro and switch over, then walk to the hotel from there. We got to our tiny 2 star hotel and found that the room Christina and I stayed in was a little bit strangly set up- it was at the end of the hall and once you walked in, the bathroom was on the right (normal so far) but to the left, there was a long, skinny hallway (it must have been the wall around the room next door) which led to the the rest of the room! Weird!
After checking in and dumping our stuff, we decided to stop some place and get dessert. We finally found an open cafe with only 2 people in it and sat down. The waitress brought over a huge board with the menu on it and we choose our desserts. The only problem was that they only had 2 of whatever dish we had picked out, so I switched to strawberry ice cream and Christina decided to be daring and get the "very French" dish that was described as bread, eggs and honey. We almost lost our minds when she came out and handed Christina a plate of FRENCH TOAST! We all had a bite of The Toast and felt very special- we had French toast in France!