I had quite a full 2 weeks after returning from Germany! Christina's cousin came to visit her for a week, the weather was smashing and I had several picnic lunches in the park! I also had a rather large paper due, which I worked on til the wee hours of the morning the day it was due (I have considered changing my major to Procrastination).

The best part of my week was probably going to the theater- I should have definitely taken advantage of one of the theater classes they offer here, but alas! the semester is practically over and there is now nothing I can do! I saw the comedy
The 39 Steps and it was fantastic! I didn't really know anything about it except that it was supposed to be funny and interestingly, it only had a 4 person cast! I ordered the ticket online the day before and for £10. (The best part about it was that it was actually free- UNH has a "cultural challenge" which we get reimbursed up to £20 of "cultural" events and things- that can't be done back in the states.) So I got myself to the theater which was right in Piccadilly Circus and then enjoyed the play IMMENSELY. It was about a man who was framed for murder and on the run in England and Scotland during WWII- and the 3 other cast members played all the people he met and/or evaded into while on the run. The staging was very creative- for example, to indicate they were moving through rooms, one of them simply wheeled a door around stage and the characters just walked thru it like it was a new room! Ahh... what a great play- I really enjoy the theater!!!!