The theme this week has been planning my trips! Tonight, I am planning this weekend's trip to somewhere in England. My friend and I are going to take a bus or train to a location to be decided later and just go! I'm also slated to go to Paris with my roommate and Italy for spring break.
The weather has started getting a little bit rainy-er. However, it keeps clearing up after a while and then raining again- that's English weather for you! On one of the nicer days I took a stroll thru Regent's Park and found this man I named Flute Man playing (you guessed it) a flute under a tree! I had a lot of fun stealthily taking his picture from every angle. On Monday, I walked to Buckingham Palace and had a photo shoot in front of it. It started raining right as I had to leave to meet my class for a look at Parliament and Westminster Abbey. We walked around from the Abbey up to Trafalgar Square in the wind and rain where class ended. I was very glad I decided to throw my umbrella in my backpack! My professor actually almost got blown away at one point! It was pretty funny.

Flute Man :)

I hope your Valentine's Day is awesome! I miss my Valentine and mom's fudge: flavor, delicious.