Last Friday, I took a trip to Bristol, a city on the west coast of England, with my friend Corey. We had some drama with getting there- the tube was having delays which meant that by the time we got to the coach station, our bus was already gone! We bought tickets for the next bus going to Bristol then napped the whole way there (it took 2.5 hours). Once in Bristol, we spent the day walking around the city, which has a harbor and a few BIG hills. We stopped by the City Museum (it had a lot of random stuff- like gemstones, a few paintings -and my favorite- a gypsy wagon), then climbed 2 tight spiral staircases to the top of a tower that had 360* view of the area. After that little adventure, we trekked over to the harbor, found a big covered market and stopped by the cathedral.

The next day we visited Oxford and went by train, which now is my favorite mode of transportation. After about an hour, we arrived in Oxford and had lunch by the canal, which had a whole bunch of houseboats. We window shopped, took a tour of the city and got to see a little bit of the campuses. We found [another] covered market (these things are all over the place) and dropped by the History of Science Museum. The special exhibit was "Clocks of England" and it was a hall full of old, ticking clocks. It was... interesting. I thought Oxford was very nice; the streets were cobblestone and there were thousands of bikes all over the place (since cars aren't allowed in parts of the city).
Overall, I had a good time just wandering around both cities and window shopping. Oxford was more interesting probably because we got a tour but also because they filmed parts of Harry Potter there. (We didn't get to see the actual spots they filmed in, unfortunately, but I still thought it was cool! yeah Harry Potter!!)