I think in the end, the city of Pompeii was worth all of what we went thru that whole day (I took over 60 pictures!), so I'll begin my story:

This is how we felt trying to get there -->
So, as you can see from some of my pictures above, it was a really cool place. We spent the whole day there and could have spent more time, because it was absolutely huge. We probably didn't even go thru half of it, either!

A lot of it was the same thing, over and over; doorways, columns, walls and piles of rubble. At the very end, as we were trying to find our way out, we passed an enormous collection of all the stuff they unearthed. Most of it was huge jugs. We listened in to a little tour group as they talked about... the 3 plaster cast bodies! (These people were covered with ash from the volcano erruption.) It was creepy and surreal to see them- there was a sleeping man, a pregnant woman and a guy sitting with his hands over his nose and mouth. They didn't have any features, like ears or noses, and their hands and feet were like blocks. It was very, very weird!
Then, the Necklace Incident occurred (it's the entry below. It's a mini epic story that I thought deserved it's own post).
We got safely back to the central train station, got some dinner and then were kicked out of our seats on board by a frantic American woman (there was about 6 of them traveling together and she was loudly complaining that she thought it was ridiculous that even tho they booked their seats together, they were scattered throughout the carriage). We found a compartment with 6 seats in it, so we just sat there instead and had a pleasant ride back to Rome.
So I guess I would recommend to anyone who wants to visit Pompeii, do your research beforehand so you don't get ripped off and/or lost and avoid the necklace lady at all costs. Unless you really want a Vesuvius volcanic rock necklace.